In Memoriam, Masaru Emoto – Water and Ice

masaru-emoto-extraterrestre 4.2 JP i17


In Memoriam, Dr Masatu Emoto


The life and work of Dr Masutu Emoto, photographing water crystals formed in ice.


<a href=””>Ice, Water, Steam</a>


Author: Debbie

immersed in the ancient culture of china, and its constantly changing facades.... a traveller through time and space landing in suzhou of the 21st century.... australian by birth, traveller by nature, mother of a beautiful ten-year-old

12 thoughts on “In Memoriam, Masaru Emoto – Water and Ice”

  1. Very nice. The last one looks like a piece of jewellery. Such intricacy in the formation of the crystal is an amazing testament to design.

    btw, do Japanese figure on your spaceship?


    1. beautiful, aren’t they?

      well, anyone is welcome on my spaceship, but i think you meant regarding posts….-from time time I may
      post stuff from other countries, if it’s relevant… but this spaceship is china bound!


    1. indeed – he is sadly missed, but I guess his work goes on. the photos of the water crystals he did were so beautiful.
      he was a pioneer, one of a kind.


    1. hello again – thanks for checking out so many of my blog posts. actually, you seem to have stumbled upon some of my favourites. our world is so lucky to have Dr Emoto here – his passing has left an immense legacy. the photographs are extraordinary, especially when you compare the diffigured ones compared to the beautieous ones, all caused by music, emotions, words…. as our body is 70% water, what a lesson that is for us to be careful with our words, our emotions, our intents….. thanks for dropping by again. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Absolutely – his legacy is of a great importance! Thank you so much for posting and explaining further – you seem to be very familiar with the topic… And you’re very welcome – it was my pleasure 🙂


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